p48 ; I now write of the unfortunate Dardanelles ; Murdoch, K.M., & Ashmead-Bartlett, E., Gallipoli letter from Keith Arthur Murdoch to Andrew Fisher, 1915 [manuscript], National Library of Australia, 1915 link= https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-231555472/view
p50 ; The last war, during the years of 1915, 1916, 1917 ; quoted in Knightley, P., The First Casualty. From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, p.79
p50 ; ‘More deliberate lies were told ; Knightley, p.80
p51 ; ‘such knowledge as was theirs inspired silence.’ ; The History of the Times 1785-1948, vol. 4, London: The Times, 1935-52, p.228
p51 ; ‘if the war correspondents in France ; Knightley, p.103
p52 ; ‘Orchestra Pit Principle’ ; Ailes, R. Interview with Judy Woodruff in David Runkel (ed.) Campaign for President: The Managers Look at '88, Auburn House, 1989
p52 ; ‘sweaty, shifty-eyed ; Junod, Tom, 'Why Does Roger Ailes Hate America?', Esquire, February 2011 link= https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a9248/roger-ailes-0211/
p52 ; ‘If Richard Nixon was alive today, ; Junod, 2011 link= https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a9248/roger-ailes-0211/
p53 ; It’s a shame a man has to use gimmicks ; Junod, 2011 link= https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a9248/roger-ailes-0211/
p53 ; In 2011, a journalist was trawling ; The journalist, John Cook, published his original article about this on the now-defunct Gawker website, 'Roger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News', 30 June 2011 link= https://web.archive.org/web/20110703091148/http://gawker.com/5814150/roger-ailes-secret-nixon+era-blueprint-for-fox-news
p53 ; ‘A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News, ; 'A Plan for Putting the GOP on the TV News', Richard Nixon Presidential Library, 1970 link= https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5024551-A-Plan-for-Putting-the-GOP-on-the-News
p54 ; 40 per cent lower in April 2021 ; Johnson, Ted, 'Cable News Network Viewership Continued To Drop In April Vs. 2020. Fox News Tops Primetime And Total Day', Deadline, 27 April 2021 link= https://deadline.com/2021/04/cable-news-viewership-drops-across-the-board-in-april-1234745199/
p54 ; ‘a 24/7 political campaign. ; Quoted in Dickinson, Tim, 'How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory', Rolling Stone, 9 June 2011 link= https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-244652/
p55 ; business road trips with his living room curtains ; in Van Ogtrop, K., Did I Say That Out Loud? Little, Brown Spark, 2021
p55 ; company beach picnic ; D’Anastasio, Cecilia, 'The secret history of a fleeting pre-internet digital media channel', Vice, 3 April 2017 link= https://www.vice.com/en/article/z4ymn8/time-teletext-pre-internet-digital-media
p56 ; fallen below where it had been in 1950 ; Perry, Mark J., 'Creative destruction: Newspaper ad revenue continued its precipitous free fall in 2014, and it’s likely to continue', American Enterprise Institute, 30 April 2015 link= https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/creative-destruction-newspaper-ad-revenue-continued-its-precipitous-free-fall-in-2014-and-its-likely-to-continue/
p56 ; Classifieds, worth $3.7 billion ; Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Digital Platforms Inquiry – Final Report, June 2019, p.17 (Inflation adjusted to 2018) link= https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Digital%20Platforms%20Inquiry%20-%20Final%20report%20-%20part%201.pdf
p56 ; 92% have been from the loss of classified ads ; AlphaBeta Australia, Australian Media Landscape Trends September 2020 link= https://alphabeta.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/australian-media-landscape-report.pdf
p56 ; a majority of all US advertising ; Hagey, Keach and Vranica, Suzanne, 'How covid-19 supercharged the advertising ‘triopoly’ of Google, Facebook and Amazon', Wall Street Journal, 19 March 2021 link= https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-covid-19-supercharged-the-advertising-triopoly-of-google-facebook-and-amazon-11616163738
p57 ; Table ; Based on an original table by Mark J. Perry on the American Enterprise Institute blog. link=https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/creative-destruction-newspaper-ad-revenue-continued-its-precipitous-free-fall-in-2014-and-its-likely-to-continue/
;; Additional information has been sourced from Pew Research, State of the News Media, 2020, company SEC filings, and News Media Alliance data link= https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/fact-sheet/newspapers/
p59 ; number five on the top ten list of publisher rankings ; NewsWhip, 'Top social publishers August 2013: Sharing way up for all publishers, and BuzzFeed on Top', 26 September 2013 link= https://web.archive.org/web/20131031142414/http://blog.newswhip.com/index.php/2013/09/social-publishers
p59 ; We have a custom click testing system ; 'What tools does Upworthy employ to test its headlines?', question on Quora, 2014 link= https://www.quora.com/What-tools-does-Upworthy-employ-to-test-its-headlines
p59 ; The Atlantic called the efforts ; Thompson, Derek, 'Upworthy: I thought this website was crazy, but what happened next changed everything', The Atlantic, 14 November 2013 link= https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/11/upworthy-i-thought-this-website-was-crazy-but-what-happened-next-changed-everything/281472/
p60 ; In May 2021 they had more than 70 million ; NewsWhip, 'These were the top publishers on Facebook in May 2021', 10 June 2021 link= https://www.newswhip.com/2021/06/top-publishers-facebook-may-2021/
p61 ; in 1983 approximately 90 per cent ; Bagdikian, B.H., The Media Monopoly, Boston: Beacon Press,1990
p62 ; nearly 2000 newspapers have closed ; Abernathy, P.M., The Expanding News Desert, University of North Carolina Press, 2018 link= https://www.cislm.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/The-Expanding-News-Desert-10_14-Web.pdf
p62 ; behind only the state-run media giants ; Noam, E., & The International Media Concentration Collaboration, Who Owns the World's Media?: Media Concentration and Ownership around the World, Oxford University Press, 2016 link= https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199987238.001.0001/acprof-9780199987238
p62 ; News Corp, controls about 70 per cent ; Noam, E. 2016. Subsequent to this report News Corp bought a further 5% of Australia's circulation link= https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-14/fact-file-rupert-murdoch-media-reach-in-australia/100056660
p62 ; Australia lost more than 2,000 newsroom ; Warren, Christopher, ‘2020 was a record year for journo job losses. What comes next?’, Crikey, 15 December 2020 link=https://www.crikey.com.au/2020/12/15/journalism-job-losses-2020/
p63 ; ‘Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy’ ; James Madison to W. T. Barry, 1822
p63 ; less likely to vote ; Hayes, D., & Lawless, J.L., 'As local news goes, so goes citizen engagement: Media, knowledge, and participation in US House elections,' The Journal of Politics, April 2015, vol.77, no. 2, pp. 447-462 link=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/679749
p63 ; less politically informed ; PEN America, Losing the News: The Decimation of Local Journalism and the Search for Solutions, 20 November 2019 link= https://pen.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Losing-the-News-The-Decimation-of-Local-Journalism-and-the-Search-for-Solutions-Report.pdf
p63 ; less likely to run for office ; Rubado, M.E., & Jennings, J.T., 'Political consequences of the endangered local watchdog: Newspaper decline and mayoral elections in the United States', Urban Affairs Review, April 2019 link=https://urbanaffairsreview.com/2020/09/23/political-consequences-of-the-endangered-local-watchdog-newspaper-decline-and-mayoral-elections-in-the-united-states/
p63 ; local taxes going up ; Gao, P., Lee, C., & Murphy, D., 'Financing dies in darkness? The impact of newspaper closures on public finance', Journal of Financial Economics, February 2019 link=http://www.pbcsf.tsinghua.edu.cn/research/gaopengjie/paper/Financing%20dies%20in%20darkness_%20The%20impact%20of%20newspaper%20closures%20on%20public%20finance.pdf
p63 ; With the decline of local news... ; PEN America, 2019 link= https://pen.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Losing-the-News-The-Decimation-of-Local-Journalism-and-the-Search-for-Solutions-Report.pdf
p64 ; It was a local paper, the Illawarra Mercury ; O’Shea, M. ‘Rocky times: Local Australian newspapers are merging, closing and losing circulation which leaves scandals unreported’, Index on Censorship, 2019, vol. 48(1), pp. 57–59 link= https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-08/local-council-sackings-do-ratepayers-need-councillors/11747478
p64 ; 21 ‘news deserts’ ; Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2019 link= https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Digital%20Platforms%20Inquiry%20-%20Final%20report%20-%20part%201.pdf
p64 ; 73 per cent of them ; Hayes, P., et al, 'Joining the dots: using social media to connect to more vulnerable Victorians during emergencies', Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Monograph, 2019, No.4, pp. 154-163 link= https://www.bnhcrc.com.au/sites/default/files/managed/downloads/peter_hayes.pdf
p64 ; less likely to be vaccinated ; Jennings, W., et al, 'Lack of trust and social media echo chambers predict COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy', medRxiv, 26 January 2021 link= https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.26.21250246v1.full-text